Look what I found!
Landed in Florida last night, and since the flight was delayed, I couldn't make my Publix run. And I lurrvvveee Publix. My devotion to Publix, especially their sub sandwiches, necessitates a whole, separate post of its own.
However, since the laptop here died since our last visit, I had to wait for C to arrive this AM with his teeny, tiny tablet of a laptop. As I sit here, tip-tapping away on this thing, I have no idea how I'm going to meet the deadline for my next piece on Tuesday with this.
But anyway, I made it to Publix this morning to stock up the kitchen for C's arrival. The first thing I did was order that sub and then moved onto the rest of the store, cursing why it has to be only a Southeast thing. As I went down one aisle, I was stopped in my tracks. There, stood something that made me forget all about my sub sandwich and want to fall to the floor in sheer, utter elation. There stood can after can of Campbell's Creamy Ranchero Tomato Soup. If you recall, they were supposed to be discontinuing it, so it was my birthday and New Year's all rolled into one.

However, since the laptop here died since our last visit, I had to wait for C to arrive this AM with his teeny, tiny tablet of a laptop. As I sit here, tip-tapping away on this thing, I have no idea how I'm going to meet the deadline for my next piece on Tuesday with this.
But anyway, I made it to Publix this morning to stock up the kitchen for C's arrival. The first thing I did was order that sub and then moved onto the rest of the store, cursing why it has to be only a Southeast thing. As I went down one aisle, I was stopped in my tracks. There, stood something that made me forget all about my sub sandwich and want to fall to the floor in sheer, utter elation. There stood can after can of Campbell's Creamy Ranchero Tomato Soup. If you recall, they were supposed to be discontinuing it, so it was my birthday and New Year's all rolled into one.

I bought every single last one they had in the store. The checkout clerk looked at me, looked at the cans, and you could almost see the words forming over her head. "Crrrazy gringa sure likes the soup!"
And don't think I'm not taking those suckers back with me to New York.
Girl's just got to have it! You've probably got a GOOOD hiding place, not like C.
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