Who's bitching now?
So in continuation of the previous post, let me tell you what finally happened. As my colleague's computer stopped working, all the cooks in this broth finally gave up and Gerard, the IT guy, was called in that afternoon. Whiner takes off on her fourth Starbucks run of the day ("If I don't have a computer, what else am I supposed to do?"). He fiddles around it with for ten minutes, puts his hands on his hips, then walks over to the other side of the floor and confers with Nose Digger.
Whiner comes back, sees her computer screen is still dark, and slams her coffee down on her desk:

"Wree, wree! My computer still hasn't been fixed!"
Nose Digger comes over and before she can start her next onslaught of words, he holds his hand up. "Gerard thinks he found the problem."
"Yeah? What?" She huffs and crosses her arms.
"It seems your hard drive is full up to capacity. Because there's 30 gigs of music on it."
You could have heard a pin drop. And I'm loving it, grinning like a kindergartner because I have no shame.
She squeaks, "Really?"
"Really." And he walks over to his desk and starts typing away. The beauty of it was that she stopped complaining about it, for the rest of the day. That's a miracle in itself. But the pathetic thing about it was that's the only thing Nose Digger said to her about it. Backbone and Nose Digger do not go in the same sentence.
30 gigs of music - that's a whole iPod in itself. In some companies, that would kind of, you know, get you fired? But not the company I work for! Hell, no!
Tell me, Whiner. How does your gifted skill of musical research entail pulling your weight? Was that KC and the Sunshine Band song going to be the golden ticket? No, no, no...Pussycat Dolls! Of course! The secret to our success lies in the lyrics of "Beep"!
Hairspray + hard abs = the company goes public
I'll never understand.
In other news, I got a nice size tax rebate check. Yay.
It all went to my Visa card. Boo.
"M, I am the owner of your soul - mwaahahahahahahha!"
And finally, C and I leave for a long weekend in the Bahamas tomorrow morning. Four days of sun, fun, and for me - lots of reading by the sea. Because he just can't possibly imagine what I'm like when relaxed, he booked us a snorkeling excursion around different parts of the island on Sunday. Part of this trip includes snorkeling above sharks. "Friendly" ones, they say.
This is the stuff of my nightmares.
"Harry, wait! Wait! You gotta leave some room for the 1 o'clock!"
"Yeah? Why's that?"
"They got a real live one. We're talking fresh meat. Jewish girl...real neurotic...from New York City!"
"Oooooh, I can taste it already! Gimme a high flipper!"
(High flippers all around)
BUSTED!! haha great story, im so glad it ended that way.....
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