Where Dirty Harry was boss
We're in Carmel now and C is sleeping off a bad...cold. And to be honest, he couldn't have chosen a better place to get a cold. There's not much to do here, as beautiful as it is. So we don't feel guilty about vegging out in front of the TV, catching up on episodes of Rock of Love and just whiling away the hours doing abba-solutely nothing.
I believe this is what they call "relaxing".
Doing nothing is a foreign concept to me, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. I was going through something like a stress withdrawal two days ago, but I'm over it. Although it probably wouldn't have been good for the purposes of vacation, I could have easily spent another two days in San Francisco.
'Cisco - my kind of town
A special mention must go to The Stinking Rose in North Beach. If you are visiting SF for the intents and purposes of a romantic vacation, then beware this restaurant that states "We season our garlic with food". But since C never saw a garlic bulb he didn't like, we went for it. Ohhhhh, we went for it!
I will say, it was a fabulous, deliciously stinky meal. One that I may never want to repeat again, as I'm convinced that for the next 24 hours we were emitting fumes of the unholy kind from every pore and orifice of our bodies. We weren't blinging, we were zinging! I'm quite sure that after checking out of our hotel, housekeeping reported the smell of a dead body coming from our room.
But It. Was. Worth. It.
The cool thing about California is that you're exposed to wildlife of all kinds in their natural habitat, which serves to relax you even more:
Sea lions sunning themselves on rocks in Pacific Grove...
...seagulls waiting for that next bit of food in Monterey...
Hey, this is California we're talking about here!
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