Monday, October 17, 2005

Disco goodbyes

I am now officially 30. I went out with the girls Saturday night and it was the big kiss-off to a previous life - my Roaring Twenties. Upon the completion of the night, I had a big epiphany:

I can't hack it anymore. I can't hack the velvet rope, the ass kissing, the God complexes, the VIP qualifier determined by a stamp on your hand, the glazed looks in everyone's eyes. I can't hack none of it. And I'm alright with it. I'm more than alright with it. Probably because I invested so much energy in the past to that lifestyle. Probably way more than I should have. Give me jeans and 80s music now and I'm a happy girl.

The cellular being of my 30-year-old self is oversaturated with memories of nights gone by. The debauchery and madness that constituted my social life since I was 17 years old. I've got a 13 year hangover.

Now, I think I need some sleep.


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