This is just not an option

This morning, I'm hazily walking along the street with my shades on, having managed to make my muscles move me up the stairs from the subway. My destination point is Au Bon Pain for an Iced Coffee and their considerable displays of carb-laden delights. A lady is standing very importantly right in the middle of the sidewalk on her cell phone. With a luggage trolley. In the middle of morning rush hour. Big no no, as I warn all out-of-towners and newcomers to this city. She stretches her arms out to make some point to a friend, who is smartly sitting on a bench off to the side, and gets me in the face.
That's it.
I turn to her and roared: "Right in the middle of the sidewalk!!!" and before I can turn away, I see the horror spread across her face. I stomp off with a big smile on my face.
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