Thursday, October 06, 2005

Remember the camels

In a book I was reading last night, there was a line said by one of the characters:

"Love is a celebration of all that's inconvenient and complicated."

How true.

Two years ago tonight, I met C. How crazy is that? Two whole years have gone by since I met him. We are each two years older than when we met. It doesn't feel like two years. I guess part of it because we have spent a lot of that time apart. Although we have spent a lot of time together for a long distance couple. It's a double edged sword in perspective, really.

Yes, it's been inconvenient and complicated and frustrating and lonely. I also know it's been immensely satisfying and loving and fulfilling. Reminding myself of that is what gets me through the tough parts, especially as I find it harder and harder to believe that there won't be an end to it.

I've gotten so used to living my life the way it is, and the idea of the wedding being one month away is positively surreal. Most of our friends and family keep looking at the wedding as the end all and be all of all our problems, but he and I know better. Until we've got something signed on all those dotted lines, the only faith we have the luxury of having is in each other.

And we've got a lot of that, a lot of love, a lot of hope. And C's got a lot of patience with my nuttiness and craziness about our separation - all the outbursts and the tears. A lot of patience, which should be an example to me.

But I can't wait for the new kinds of inconveniences and complications to begin, I'll take anything I can get. Happy anniversary babe.


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