Thursday, September 29, 2005

The early bird gets the germ

As I get off the train into Herald Square station, I see a lady in front of me holding a tissue. The way her hand is angled, I'm thinking "Ew." She looked like she was holding snotted up tissue. But a moment later I realized the true purpose of that tissue - to act as a barrier against germs, as she wrapped her hand in the tissue and held the railing as she glided up the stairs.


Let's think about this. Really seriously think about this. Given the amount of sneezing, coughing, spitting, hacking, not-washing-your-hands-after-the-bathroom, and all other unsavory germ-spreading activities that take place in this city of 8-million+ people, you're gonna have germs. It's inevitable.

Unless you plan on wearing a space suit to ward off all that bacteria, you're in the wrong place, sister. That itty bitty piece of Kleenex means nothing to New York City germs. Especially the ones from Staten Island.


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