Some weird headlines today
From Yahoo: Kangaroos given contraceptive pills to curb population in Australia - Making the phrase "shtupping like bunnies" so yesterday.
Brits Kick 'Toon Butts Off Tube - A british kiddie network announces plans to stop glamourizing tobacco by banning any episode of a Hanna Barbera cartoon depicting their characters with a cigarette. Said cartoons include Tom & Jerry and Scooby Doo.
(Raising hand) Um, hello? Kids today are getting off easy with the cigarettes. Are we not ignoring the obvious here? Did anyone think to protect my generation from the legacies of Shaggy and the Scooby Snacks? Nyuh-oooooo.

Seriously - what were in those Scooby Snacks???
Industry groups announce smoking ban is hurting Scotland's pubs. Excuse me, they pay people to figure this out? How about this - I predict the outcome of the next country that has a smoking ban for free. No, really!
From Today's college freshmen say "Google" was always a verb and have only known two presidents in their lives. With this, I mourn the loss of my youth by playing a Rick Springfield LP, while wearing my Benetton rugby shirt and Wig-Wam socks.
Psycho Killer Racoons Terrorize Olympia Oh yeah? Twenty bucks says our New York City roaches can take on your Psycho Racoons any day, any time!
More from Yahoo: Paris Hilton says her new album makes her cry What about making her ears bleed? Does it do that too?
New York’s oldest bartender still serving at 90 Aw, bless him.
Her song makes me cry! DumbRichStupidWhoreGoodForNothingLuckBitch!
Wig-Wam socks. Oy. With my jeans folded and turned at the ankles.
And hair. So much hair.
Yes. Good stuff.
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