Hey, hey, HEY!
I know. I knowwwwww. You don't need to tell me. I don't understand it myself! That American Idol biotch just kind of snuck up on me when I wasn't paying attention and zapped me with her sunny smiles and happy, happy singing, no matter what she's singing about. And trust me, had I known it was her, I totally would have shut the damn radio off.
But I didn't. And now I'm sucked in like David Hasselhoff to the nearest happy hour. I can't stop listening to her album. This is embarassment on the "I'm a Celine Dion fan" scale. Which I'm not, by the way. And I find it very hard to accept a singer who - despite having beaten Gwen Stefani for a Grammy - is in the company of Ruben Studdard and Fantasia Barrino. And let's not go there about Clay Aiken, 'kay? That's like off the scale.

The poster boy for the latest MAC makeup campaign
This is all just as bad as liking the New Kids of the Block, and yes, I liked them too (ducking tomatoes). But that doesn't mean I can stop myself from listening to Ms. Clarkson's album, even though she's just so darn happy all the time. She could be singing about being in a car accident and she'll be positively thrilled about it. And I'm eating it up like Star Jones before her gastric bypass surgery.

Of grave concern to me is the desire to be like the people in Kelly's "Walk Away" video. In spite of her poor attempt at street cred, with the faux-hawk and awful Hammer pants (tucked into boots!!! hello fashion Babylon!!!), I love not only the song, but the video. I wanna be pointing my finger in the air like those people, bouncing around to the "Hey, hey, HEY!" part. Even those two guys with the bowl cuts like Shaggy from "Scooby Doo". I am them. They are me. I am so feeling that. If wanna-be Williamsburg hipsters can be jiving like that, then sign me right up!
Aspirational happiness in the form of a Kelly Clarkson video. I may have sunk very, very low in your eyes, but there's nothing you can do to stop me.
See, this is why I check back in with you every once in awhile.
I, too, sheepishly admit to being a Kelly Clarkson fan.
I do NOT watch American Idol (okay, my daughter has twisted my arm on that a few times). And I probably couldn't pick her out in a crowd.
But it seems that whenever I hear a song that I like lately and ask someone who sings it, the answer is inevitably "KC".
There are worse vices. Like baby seal bashing for instance.
You are not alone, sister.
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