Thursday, August 10, 2006

I'm a logical and calm adult...I think

I'm just barely out the door this morning for work, when C gets a text from his fom his friend in the UK: "Did you see the news?"

Don't you just love messages like that? My mother's a pro when it comes to leaving vague and ambigious messages like that, implying gloom and doom. Then I'll call back in a panicked frenzy to find out she wanted to chat about Pam Anderson getting married to Kid Rock. Actually, that is pretty tragic.

Anyway, those kinds of messages? They're enough to give me a heart attack given the world condition these days. So sure enough, I zoom in with C onto the Internet and try to flick the TV on. He reads out loud the morning headlines about the terror threat to NY-London planes to me and then I am ready to have a heart attack. Because he's supposed to fly out to England tomorrow.

This is where my inner thirteen-year old self wants to hurl myself onto the ground and wrap myself around his ankles, begging and pleading for him not to get on that plane. Throw myself onto my bed and pummel my fists and feet into it, until he gives in.

But I can't. As he is an airline employee, I know it would be unprofessional for him to not at least attempt to get on his scheduled flight tomorrow, all because his wife can be so easily susceptible to media-induced hysteria. Even though said wife knows and has posted the philosophy that we're all probably safer now that it's plastered all over the news, than we were three days ago. But this is not just media-induced hysteria. And besides, I'm allowed to contradict myself - I'm a woman.

Seriously? Keep your fingers crossed not just for C, but for everybody these days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen to that.


10:30 AM  
Blogger FreeCyprus said...

always an interesting read, keep up the good work

12:01 PM  

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