All in a day's work
I freeze. Even though I had 30+ e-mails in my Inbox waiting for me this morning, this is irrelevant to him. And whose e-mail? His? Someone else's? I am supposed to sit up and know precisely which e-mail he is referring to. It's like his version of the Jedi Mind Trick; if he insists on it enough, then somehow it will become true.
And he says in his thick, Israeli accent: "Vhat do you mean, vhich e-mail? De e-mail dhat is dhere!"
Well, that didn't work. I turn in my chair, look him in the eyes, and take the suicide plunge by asking: "And which one would that be?"
His reaction?

...all rolled into one.
This goes on for about ten minutes while I look to Nose Digger for help, who's busying himself into his computer screen. Times like this are why I have an emergency Cadbury Creme Egg stored in my desk drawer.
We're all too familiar with these outbursts; even his son - The Idiot Prince - says his prayers whenever we hear he's on his way back to the office. The collective blood pressure of the office lowers when the president is not here.
I look to one of the other girls, who's sleeping with Idiot Prince. She looks back at me blankly, as if to say: Better you than me. Finally, when he gets tired of ranting, I say, "Okay, I didn't get to this e-mail yet, but I will look for it now."
Which I do. And I look. And look. And I don't see the e-mail he expects me to see. He's left already, so I ask Nose Digger: "Do you know which e-mail he's referring to?"
He does a quick search and says, "Oh yeah, I forgot to cc you on that."
Love the reaction reenactment
Wow, what an amazing boss.
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