Monday, October 16, 2006

The candy of danger

You know when you’re sucking on a Tic Tac or a mint or something and you accidentally swallow it before it’s done? And you think you can feel it’s lodged in your chest somewhere - even though it’s a half-finished, tiny little Tic Tac? So you’re just sure that it's going to come back and choke you in your sleep?

Even though it’s technically in your esophagus and not your airway, it doesn’t matter, because you feel like you just can’t breathe right. It's grown arms and legs and suctioned itself to the walls of your insides, and hell no, it won't go! So you're nervous about it until your next meal, thinking maybe that the food will push it down into your stomach. And you would do that now, just had lunch and the Tic Tac was meant to freshen your breath after lunch, so now you feel like it could kill you.

Yeah, I know that feeling too.


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