Depeche for world peace

Look at this. I mean, look at this. It's not just Dave Gahan standing topless in front of adoring fans, entreating them to Reach Out and Touch Faith, and find their Personal Jesus. This could be the messiah for our generation.
Where else will you find that girl who sat in the corner of the classroom in 10th grade? She hid behind her dyed-black bangs and matte white makeup then, and now she's waving arms and doing jazz hands alongside an Italian Stallion from Lon Guyland?
At a Depeche Mode concert, baby.
This is the first concert I've been to where music trascended borders. This is purely a sociological observation on my behalf. It does not give credence to Dave's messianic powers once he takes his shirt off.
Moving on....
I don't do Rolling Stones and I've still yet to pay for a U2 Fan Club membership, just to score some tickets. So last night's concert was something of a revelation for me. It was my first time going to a show for a band that holds such mass appeal. It is so cool to see people from all over the map- of different genres and identities by which they define themselves- all in one space united in song. As the apex of my concert going career has been having to stand in the Meadowlands parking lot for a Skid Row show, this was truly something.
Now that I've seen it for myself, I know it can be done. It makes total sense. The government can cut their military budget in half, just by buying several thousand copies of the Violator album. Iraqi rebels will lay down their arms upon hearing "People Are People". Israelis and Palestinians will till the land in the kibbutz side by side. Ebony and ivory, will live together in perfect harmony...
It's a no brainer.
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