Rockin' the media - 1860s style
Yahoo does a pretty credible job of giving me my quick fix of headlines on their hompage. They sum everything up so well. It's an exercise in simplicity and clarity, within one beautifully crafted sentence, and it draws you in for more. For example- today's offerings, and I'm not making them up:
Fred Savage attracts curious stares at a gay bar
(I always knew Winnie was a beard)
Aaron Spelling Sued for Sexual Harassment
(Don't think about this one too much. No really, please don't.)
And then this one just screamed at me:
Gene mutation may have caused Abraham Lincoln's gait.
(Yes, our man Abe. Who's sporting this fresh hairdo in trying to keep up with the times.)
Stop the presses! Hamas has just taken control of the Palestinian government, but Abraham Lincoln had a funny gait!!!! In the name of research grants, this is where our tax dollars go?
Oh, but it gets better with this colorful quote from the story:
"If a president had it, and he was disabled but still running the country, maybe people would lighten up on disabled people a little bit," said Smith, 57, of Manteca, Calif., who said he was once arrested for drunken driving because of the disease's symptoms.
I'm not making fun of disabled people, people with lurching walks, or anyone named Abe, but the point of all this is? FDR had polio and ran the country in a wheelchair, but I guess that pales in comparison to gene mutation. With this modern lesson in sensitivity training, what is there left for bullies nationwide to do?

(I always knew Winnie was a beard)

(Don't think about this one too much. No really, please don't.)
And then this one just screamed at me:

(Yes, our man Abe. Who's sporting this fresh hairdo in trying to keep up with the times.)
Stop the presses! Hamas has just taken control of the Palestinian government, but Abraham Lincoln had a funny gait!!!! In the name of research grants, this is where our tax dollars go?
Oh, but it gets better with this colorful quote from the story:
"If a president had it, and he was disabled but still running the country, maybe people would lighten up on disabled people a little bit," said Smith, 57, of Manteca, Calif., who said he was once arrested for drunken driving because of the disease's symptoms.
I'm not making fun of disabled people, people with lurching walks, or anyone named Abe, but the point of all this is? FDR had polio and ran the country in a wheelchair, but I guess that pales in comparison to gene mutation. With this modern lesson in sensitivity training, what is there left for bullies nationwide to do?
Great entry. And I admit the Yahoo! headline about Lincoln caught my eye, too. I've bookmarked your blog and look forward to revisiting! Thanks!
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